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Meet Tijana

Certified Executive Coach​

• Entrepreneur • Mentor • Educator • Human Design Strategist • Creative Solutionist • Mom

By formal education I am an economist and by soul vocation, I am a curious learner, educator, entrepreneur, coach, and mentor.


After over a decade of building a successful corporate career, I pivoted into a path in which I combine my passions for entrepreneurship, personal development, business, and applied philosophy under one umbrella: Career Alchemist®.


Having gone through the major transformations in my professional career, from moving across continents and continuing my career in New York City, to leaving corporate career to start my entrepreneurial journey, I know what it takes to make big career changes and I am here to be your guide and support in that process.


Through Career Alchemist®, I bring my experience, knowledge and passion to help you get career clarity and strategically build the path for your next venture. I connect business, career coaching, image consulting into creative solutions and simplified methods to help professionals create their unique career or business path and build reputable personal brands to become leaders in their field. 



  • Certified Executive Coach

  • Cognitive Behavioral Coach

  • Human Design Success Coach

  • Image Consulting Strategist

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Career Alchemist 


In the new paradigm we all saw that big shifts have happened, old ways of doing things don’t work anymore and now we have to disrupt the way we have been leading our careers. We need to alchemize the way we work through meaningful, fulfilling work that will support all aspects of our lives in a holistic way and allow us to accommodate all the roles we have.


Career Alchemist® is your guide to finding new ways of connecting passion with profession and providing solutions to innovative ways how you can pivot your career while building an authentic personal brand. 


I was always bothered by the fact that we spend majority of our wake time in our jobs while 70%* of the US employees are actively disengaged in their work (*according to Gallup's data year after year). Knowing that is a better way we can lead our careers while creating a larger impact, my mission is to help others pave their unique path towards their success. 


My big why is my daughter for whom I want to lead with an example that creating your authentic path is a recipe for lasting success, internal as much as external. I believe that paving the path for young generations to courageously take ownership of their careers is the way to shape the scene for leaders of the future. We can teach by talking, but we can show it really works by walking the walk of our own authentic path.

My Values


Aligning potential with desire to create fulfilling and impactful career is the core of building an authentic path and sustainable success - internal as external.


Life-long education  aspired by curiosity leads to everlasting growth and progress. Only knowledge that is applied leads to wisdom that becomes catalyst for change.


Combining knowledge, experience and skills from different areas of expertise, presentable in creative manner to provide tools that are easy to implement and allow better information retention.


Disrupting the old ways of doing things by creating new opportunities with the thinking outside of the box approach.


Opening up the possibilities and paving the path for future generations of world shapers. By creating an impact with our deeds we make the lasting mark and legacy.

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