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Online Course

Business RoadMap
Start a Thriving Business
by your Human Design

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur looking to turn your gifts into a purpose-driven business?

I’m sure this is not the first time you are looking for guidance how to start your business the right way. And I’m even more positive you have tried to come up with the right niche, looked for advice left and right and your head is spinning from all the advice you read and heard online.

And when you see those who “made it” you think they must have some secret code how they do it and why you can’t seem to have it “figured out”.

Let me disappoint you first:

No one can tell you what is the right way for you to build a business.

Now that you got a truth bomb, let me share some good news:

No one can tell you what is the right way for you to build a business.


Because you are the one who has all the answers within you. 


And now it’s time for the best news:

All the answers you need are already within you.


In your Human Design map.

Your Human Design is your RoadMap to building

your unique business.

If you finally want to:

Determine the right business idea or offer to build


Learn how to land your first prospects or next level clients 


Stop trading your hours and start getting paid for the value you create


Build your business in a sustainable way without the hustle and burnout

You are in the right place

but only if you are ready to cut through the noise and start listening to

your own voice. 

 In Business RoadMap you will learn not just how to start your business or create a new offer, but you will learn the repeatable process you can use for any idea or offer you create in the future.


Because as you evolve so will your business and learning this process through your Human Design gives you your unique blueprint for success.

Hi, I'm Tijana, an economist by formal education and curious learner, educator, entrepreneur, coach, and mentor by soul vocation. Throughout my corporate CPA career, I was on a quest to discover what is it that I should do next, until I found Human Design and discovered who I was born to be!


While in my corporate career, for years I was spending weekends pursuing my passions, from learning practical philosophy, over image consulting to pitching different business ideas. I couldn’t figure out why I was such a corporate misfit and how to make a business out of all the different skills and passions I had.


I finally found a system that gave me the language to translate my natural zone of genius into my business model. Since then, I have worked with over 100 professionals helping them design their ideal career & business using the power of Human Design, and they have all said this one thing: "I wish I knew this information sooner!"


This is why created a unique process that helped my clients achieve faster breakthroughs and gain clarity on how to transform their corporate experience into a fulfilling and lucrative career or business.


And now I’m sharing this process with you.

Business Plan

Welcome to

Business RoadMap

The last course you will need to finally

turn your idea into a profitable business!

Throughout this course, as you unlock areas of your Human Design, you will unlock step by step that takes you from your idea into a profitable business.

Module 1

Find your North Star

Clarify your long-term vision for a business that will support you holistically

Make Correct Decisions

Learn how to choose the right business idea or offer and make aligned decisions

Module 2

Module 3

Share Your Story

Communicate what you do and craft a compelling brand story that will attract your target audience

Module 4

Activate Your Genius

Discover your Human Design's work style and role in the business world

Earn Your Worth

Learn pricing strategies and models that reflect the value you offer

Module 5

Make Your Impact

Redefine the term niche, connect with and attract aligned clients

Module 6

Module 7

What Should You Create

Choose the right offer for a profitable business, learn how to create offer suite and avoid leaving money on the table

Module 8

Release Fear, Trust Yourself

Detect common fears and learn how to overcome limiting beliefs that prevent your business growth

Module 9

Create Your Roadmap

Develop your business pathway and embrace a holistic approach to productivity aligned with your Human Design

What Clients Say


Human Design is the most validating tool I've used in building my career, and working with Tijana helps you take that first big step into understanding where to even get started with HD and where to focus your attention.

Sigute Zitikyte,
Personal Brand Coach

What is included in the program?

Video lectures that take you through the step-by-step process of turning your idea into a profitable offer while unlocking your Human Design.

Workbook that takes you through the process of unlocking each area with practical and actionable steps.

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Price: $149

Roadmap form

Ready to build a thriving business by your Human Design?


Enroll now and embark on a transformative journey of entrepreneurship!

Sign up and start today

Note: After you purchase course you will receive access to the course within 24 hours with detailed instructions how to access the platform. Please check your spam folder.

If you have any questions please reach out at

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